Monthly Archive: October, 2013

A review of Patrick Bade’s “Music Wars”

Putting micro-details onto a macro-historic trajectory is no easy task. It’s easy to sink beneath a tsunami of minutia. Yet offering an accurate account of what people on all sides of the conflict… Continue reading

The Allies’ plans for Austria

With the end of the month, we approach an important, but under-reported event in history: 70 years since the Moscow Declaration signed on October 30th, 1943. Though the three powers of Great Britain,… Continue reading

Forgotten history

The Symposium noted elsewhere on this page called ‘Im Anschluss’ has now concluded. I should have mentioned earlier that the title of the symposium offers in German the double meaning of Austria’s annexation… Continue reading

Post-war guilt and memory

On cue, just as the conference in Vienna ‘Im Anschluss’ begins, (see the article on the conference elsewhere on this page), a review of ‘Forbidden Music’ appears in a German publication that highlights… Continue reading


A review from someone who has actually read the book…

It’s still early days and I always feel slightly amazed when I’m forwarded a review by someone who has actually read the book rather than just the opening and last chapters with a… Continue reading